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The crew in 2019!

Equipe de l'expédition SEA Plastics 2019 sur leu voilier d'échantillonnage pour les microplastiques en Méditerranée


Président de l'expédition SEA Plastics 2019
Trésorière de l'expédition SEA Plastics 2019
Secrétaire de l'expédition SEA Plastics 2019







Faced with the world around him, through many trips and experiences in the garden as a child, Frédéric became passionate about biology and sports. Through his current training at AgroParisTech and significant involvement in large associations, Frédéric seeks to face the reality of the world of tomorrow : the environment is a complex subject to understand but necessary in our current context. The ubiquity of pollution is a major problem, against which everyone must fight. With SEA Plastics, Frédéric saw an ideal opportunity to use the knowledge acquired from his career and his motivation in a concrete project, both at sea level, but also of the public to raise awareness: You!

Crew member   since she has been balancing on a boat, she has traveled the seas and oceans with her family, with whom she shares her passion for navigation. Subsequently, she steered her boat to join AgroParisTech where she developed communication skills by getting involved in numerous associations. His academic background allows him to immerse himself in the world of research in biology. With the Sea Plastics project, Quiterie is realizing one of its dreams of combining the maritime world with biology, in the service of the environment.

From a very young age, she discovered the continents with wonder, passionate about travel and discovery. Wishing to invest in the protection of this environment and diversity throughout the world, Julie joined AgroParisTech and let herself embark on the SEA Plastics adventure to discover the research and sailing professions. For her, SEA plastics is above all an emphasis on team spirit in order to respond to one of the major current issues.

Skippeur expédition SEA Plastics 2019



A merchant navy officer, Perrine joins the ranks of SEA Plastics as skipper of our boat "Le Labo" for the 2019 expedition!

However, this will not be her only responsibility: very concerned about the future of our oceans, she will also contribute to scientific research and support the crew in raising awareness!

After training for ​ a year while assuming the role of land team for the 2018 team, the 2019 team has been preparing for its expedition for more than a year. New scientific programs have been defined with l'UMR Marbec as well as a new trajectory. They then put all their energy into seeking funding so that the expedition could take place in the best possible conditions. 

With a view to raising the awareness of as many people as possible, they have also strengthened the association's communication component.

In the continuity of the 2018 expedition, the 2019 expedition will contribute to scientific knowledge on the pollution of micro-plastics and the crew will carry out awareness-raising events. One of the particularities this year is to divide the expedition into 2 parts: 2 months will be devoted mainly to science on the Italian, Spanish and French coasts and 2 months will be mainly intended for awareness-raising in June and July on the French coasts.

The 2019 expedition ended in July 2019.

Relive their adventures on their logbook!

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