Novità sulle microplastiche marine
Ecco la rassegna degli articoli che hanno catturato l'attenzione del team sul tema dell'impatto delle microplastiche sugli oceani e sull'ambiente. Troverai anche notizie relative ad iniziative, normative, dibattiti, innovazioni che hanno o avranno un impatto sul fenomeno. Buona lettura!
Ultimo aggiornamento:
2 mai 2020
Scientists Discover Highest Concentration of Deep-Sea Microplastics to Date
Scientists have discovered the highest concentration of microplastics ever recorded on the seafloor—1.9 million pieces in one square meter (approximately 11 square feet) of the Mediterranean. But the finding, published in Science Thursday, suggests a much broader problem as deep-sea currents carry plastics to microplastic "hotspots" that may also be deep-sea ecosystems rich in biodiversity. For study coauthor professor Elda Miramontes of the University of Bremen, Germany, the results were a call to action.